Mulberry Elementary School

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Public Notice

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Overview
North Carolina legislation allows public school units to use Remote Instruction when schools are unable to open due to inclement weather. Wilkes County Schools can use up to five Inclement Weather Remote Instruction Days in lieu of in-person instruction.
We believe the benefits of this approach will:

✓ Support continuity of instruction and learning for students
✓ Reduce the number of “make-up” days
✓ Increase the likelihood of maintaining Spring Break and closing the year in late
May/early June

Mr. Byrd will make a decision for each inclement weather day on a case-by-case basis to determine whether or not it will be a remote learning instruction day.
Pre-K Information
Students Will...
✓ Attend 1 Remote Moment a day
✓ Check-in for daily attendance via the Remote Moment
✓ Contact the teacher if help is needed
✓ Complete activities provided by the teacher
✓ Share evidence of learning at home such as pictures of your child completing activities
Teachers Will...
✓ Provide families with a 6.5-hour schedule of activities that includes direct instruction, snack time, nap time, transitions, etc.
✓ Utilize Teaching Strategies and resources for remote instruction
✓ Hold Remote Moment opportunities via Zoom at 9 am and 1 pm
✓ Offer Remote Moment materials to families based on family needs, such as reliable access to technology or primary home language
✓ Encourage families to ask questions and share evidence of learning at home ( of activities)
✓ Contact families that do not attend remote moment opportunities.
Elementary School Information
Students Will... 
✓ Check-in for daily attendance 
✓ Contact the teacher or attend office hours if help is needed
✓ Complete teacher assignments
✓ Turn in assignments within 5 days of the remote instruction day
Teachers Will...
✓ Create offline assignments for inclement weather remote instruction that include learning targets and share
with students and families
✓ Communicate with students and families via email, phone, Zoom, or Class Dojo
✓ Offer help sessions at 9 AM and 1 PM via Zoom
Students and Families
On Inclement Weather Remote Instruction Days:

✓ Students should check in daily with their teacher for attendance purposes unless the student and teacher have made prior arrangements
✓ Students should complete and turn in assignments within 5 days of the remote instruction day
Teachers from each grade level have carefully chosen activities your student(s) can do at home.  Please remember that absences will still be counted if they do not check in.  Click on your student(s) grade level to see the assignments requested by the teachers.